
The Missing Link

The Missing Link

Abstract Oil Painting

Dimensions: 9" x 10" (22.9 x 25.4 cm)

Genius takes a lot of vacations. Humans have highs, lows, and rare pinnacle instances where she pokes her head in before retreating to the tropics. This painting tells a story not only about awaiting her arrival, but also meeting and parting ways.

Perhaps days would not be interesting without the missing links, the highs and lows. So I decided to include the valleys and mountains crossed during the pursuit of connection. "The Missing Link" is a tribute to the genius behind these moments. It is the part of a puzzle often sought after and infrequently solved. 


About Kinetic Juxtaposition

After many years of encouragement from friends and family I finally decided to create a website to display my paintings. Like many artists, the dream of making a full time career of producing artwork seemed surreal. Many paintings and drawings have dotted my walls over the years, and I continually sought art education, but the idea of doing what I love all day seemed impossible. Fortunately, today my surroundings allow me to do just that!

I created Kinetic Juxtaposition not only to discuss my future works, but also to allow readers to gather a greater sense of how I arrived at my abstract style. Sometimes I paint images or crafts that may not be sold, and those items will be shown here as well (like the one below). In addition, I will eventually set up lessons for beginning artists wishing to paint. So by all means grab your favorite drink (water for me), and enjoy it while consuming my blog.

This is an oil painting I created for one of my friends. I thought deeply about what she and her husband may enjoy, and tried to replicate that feeling here. It is still one of my favorite paintings, and one of my first oils. Since I was still learning how to use oil I feel it has a sort of raw emotion and style that is difficult to convey with acrylics which require a little more planning.